『高岡重蔵 活版習作集』の書評8

 イギリスのレタリング・文字デザインに関する協会Letter Exchangeの会報誌『Forum 26』(2013年9月号)で『高岡重蔵 活版習作集』が採り上げられました。
 評者はThe Whittington PressのJohn Randle氏です。ありがとうございます!

The range of work and types shown in My Study of Letterpress Typography, a beautifully designed and printed (in Japan) large octavo, is truly extraordinary. How did this man from the 1930s onwards collect together the gems of the European typefoundries and put them to such good use that they could have come from the hands of any of the most able European typographers? His list of typefaces reads like a roll-call of the great and the good.

 Amazonの英語ページはこちら→高岡重蔵活版習作集―My Study of Letterpress Typography